Sunday, January 18, 2009

Do You Know The Way To San Jose?

Yesterday was our first day of really exploring the city! Saturday, we went with some of the ASU students to a local bar and restaurant. Pollo Cervecero is only about 4 blocks away from our house, so it was nice to go out a little further yesterday. This is our neighborhood:Almost all of the houses are completely enclosed in gates. I have four keys just to get in my front door. That little blue stand is a security guard station for night time. He's there from dusk till dawn.
My new friend, Carlita!

Yesterday morning, Sage and I woke up early to go to the farmer's market with Mama Tica. Many of the fruits and veggies were the same as what you might find in the states, but there were some that were very strange.
After the farmer's market and breakfast, Sage and I met up with the other Westmont girls and Alyssa (from ASU) to go to downtown San Jose. We had a map with us, but there are no street names or signs anywhere. We got off the bus a little too early, but luckily the bus fare is super cheap so we got back on and headed into downtown. There were people everywhere! Since it's Sunday, most of the shops were closed but at least we figured out how to use the bus system to get places. The weather was perfect for walking around outside all day. There was a chilly breeze and some clouds to protect us from the sun, but some of the girls didn't wear sunscreen and got pretty burnt. It is amazing that even if it feels cold outside, you will still get burned because of how close we are to the equator.

Sage and I also had an interesting dinner last night. Our host parents don't eat dinner on the weekends, so they just make us something light. Since we had spent most of the day downtown, we figured that we would get our own dinner so mama Tica didn't have to make anything. They went to church while we were out, so we waited for them to get home before we left for dinner. However, when mama Tica came inside, she said that she got chicken for us for dinner, which was very nice. So Sage and I walked out to the table and there was a bag of KFC on the table!! KFC in Costa Rica, who would have guessed?? Now, I am not a fan of KFC in California, but here, the chicken is amazing!! So, we had a nice American meal for dinner, extra crispy chicked, cole slaw, french fries, biscuts, and root beer. It was very funny and so nice of mama Tica!

Here are some things I saw downtown:

Today was our first day at Lincoln. I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but the school was much different than I thought it would be. During our orientation, the Director explained that they wanted to build a world-class campus, so they sent their architects to schools in the states to learn how we build things. The campus is amazing. Everything looks brand new. The buildings are big and open, and the resources are unlimited! On our camps there is a doctor's office, a fully functioning bank, a shop with school supplies, a copy center, a building dedicated solely to teachers' union stuff, and an art gallery. Not to mention the several computer labs, science labs, libraries (yes, multiple), teacher resource rooms, a huge cafeteria, and a room set up specifically for video conferencing with classrooms around the world. Pretty cool, huh? I think I will come back to California spoiled!

Today was nice because it was only new teachers and student teachers. We took a tour of the school and learned more about their mission and vision for the school. Then we had a lady come and do a workshop with us on culture shock. She was hysterical and very informative. We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and talked about cultural and behavioral differences. I'm starting to understand why anthropology is so interesting!

Here are some pictures of Lincoln. Oh, and did I mention that I will be taking the bus to school with all of the students? Oh yes, this will be an experience all in it's own.

Administration Building

The Art Gallery

The high school building and the Gym

The elementary school building

The campus is very cool. They've only been at this location for about a year and a half so everything still looks new and clean. I can't wait to use all of the different resources that are available to us!
