Friday, January 16, 2009

Traveling is hard work!

Well, 18 hours after beginning my day, I have finally made it to my house.  I forgot how much work it is navigating busy airports with heavy bags!  When I got to LAX this morning, a security guy commented on the fact that I had two bags to check in and how no one checks that much luggage anymore.  I can assure you that I looked like a fool trying to pull two suitcases while carrying my backpack and a shoulder bag.  After I got all checked in and through security, I got some breakfast and watched the sun rise.  

I haven't been up that early in a long time!  Our first flight was to Phoenix, where we had a 4 1/2 hour layover.  I didn't really do much of anything besides eat two mini packages of pringles, a bag of Milano cookies, and like half a bag of Werther's carmel candies.  My New Year's resolution was to see how much junk food I can eat in one day, and I think today wins.  We met up with some people from ASU and got to know each other a bit more before we got on our next flight.  After a 4 1/2 hour flight, we landed safely in San Jose!  Flying in at night was cool because their city lights are so different from flying into LAX.  Flying in over LA, everything is square.  Streets, blocks, lights, they all fit into a grid.  Here, flying over San Jose looked like someone had draped a strand of Christmas lights on the ground.  The lights are windy, and not square at all. 

When we came out of customs, all of our names were taped up at a taxi stand with the addresses to our houses.  My roomate comes in tomorrow, so I was in a taxi all by myself (eek!).  My driver just started going like he knew exactly where the house was.  Actually arriving at the house was a miracle for two reasons.  First, there seems to be no rules on the road.  And if there are, no one follows them.  I always get frustrated when people weave in and out of cars on freeways at home, but here that is the standard.  You don't spend much time in any given "lane".  Second, the taxi driver knew the general area of where the house was, but didn't know specifics.  Addresses here are based on landmarks, like 300 meters south of the Megasuper store.  He stopped to ask another taxi for directions, but that didn't really work either.  Luckily, I remember Kendra talking about Luis' VW Bus.  As we were driving up and down different streets, I finally saw the VW bus and was so relieved!  

So now I'm laying in my bed writing to you!  Ana and Luis are my host family, and they have the cutest dog, Carlita.  I can't wait to start exploring the area.  I didn't see much tonight because it was so dark, but Ana is going to show me around tomorrow!  I guess that's it for tonight.  Now it is time for a much needed rest!  
