Thursday, January 8, 2009

One Week and Counting!

Hello Everyone!

I'm sure you all know by now that I will be doing my student teaching in Costa Rica this semester.  I am a little sad that I won't be at Westmont for my last semester, but I am looking forward to something new and challenging.  

I'm down to just over a week left here in CA.  I still don't really feel like I'm leaving in just a few days.  I think it will probably catch up with me on the way to the airport!  One thing is for sure, I am getting really excited.  I haven't started packing yet, but I think I have all of the little things in order. 

I'm not sure how often I will be able to update this blog, but I am going to try my best!  I know there are going to be a million things going on during the semester, but I'm looking forward to sharing them with you all!  
Until next time, PURA VIDA!