Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hot water, hold the electrocution!

Water heaters do not exist here like they do in the states.  There's really no such thing as a free-standing water heater that lives in your garage and makes funny noises or that Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters like to blow up.  Instead, they have these electronic shower heads that heat the water as it comes out of the pipe.  While this method is cheaper and is a lot easier to fix if something goes bad, it is a little nerve-wracking to get in the shower every day and see this...

Now, you tell me if there's something wrong with showering with exposed wires above your head.  Don't get me wrong, I love that we get to take warm showers, but common sense tells me that this could end badly!  

I've decided that this country does not like my name.  This is the first time in my life that my first name has caused more difficulty than my last name.  I've gotten every pronunciation of "ochs" that you can imagine.  Naturally, I expected the same issues here.  However, no one here seems to be able to pronounce "courtney" without making it sound ridiculous.  For example, one of my students wrote me a Valentine's day card that said "Happy Valentines Day teacher Corny".  That's right, I'm teacher Corny.  When I was in the hospital, people started calling me Ann.  I was talking with a nurse and said, you know my name is Courtney, right?  Ann is my middle name.  She said, yes we know, but your name is too hard for use to say, so we decided to change it...!?!?!  What??  They can do that?  Apparently, because I started getting papers like this...
I hope this is not going to be a problem for my insurance! 

Other fun things:
I went wine tasting this week...yeah, in the Hipermas, which is basically like a super WalMart.  You know how half the reason you like going to Costco is for the free samples??  Don't lie, you know you do...  Well Hipermas has all kinds of samples just like Costco.  After we had gone up and down every junk food aisle and piled Doritos and Pringles in our cart, we passed the alcohol aisles, where they also had samples!  We sampled red wine, triple sec, bailey's, and something that was so sweet, I almost cried.  I thought this was so strange!  You would never see something like this at Costco.  

Another thing about Costa Rican grocery stores...they basically have all the typical imported American food that we have.  You can get rainbow chip frosting and goldfish (don't hate it until you've tried it!!), Doritos, Pringles, Cheerios, and a million other things.  There's a trick though.  Some companies make "fake" brand name food.  For example, if you are picking out a flavor or Doritos, there are two bags that look exactly the same, but one has this stamp on it:

This is the real deal.  That "exported" stamp means these Doritos are legit.  Sage bought some Oreos the other day that were weird and tasted different.  Now we know to look for the special stamp!

Did I mention that I ate this entire bag in one day?  No?  Oh, well...anyway...

We finally ventured out to a new restaurant this weekend.  We pass by this Pizza place everyday on the bus, so we decided to give it a try.  It was soooo delicious.  We each spent $12 and got soda, fried mozzarella cheese balls, and two big pizzas.  Can't beat that, right? 

Pizza A La Lena

Overall, I had a nice relaxing weekend.  It's amazing how fast the time is going by.  It's been 5 weeks already!!  It seems like just yesterday that I on my way to the airport to come here.  Some of you have been asking about an address to send letters and things.  Since there aren't really addresses here like in the states, we have been told to use the school's system. 

For letters and cards only:
Teacher Courtney Ochs, 5B
Lincoln School 565-20
1601 N.W. 97th Ave.
P.O. Box 025216
Miami, FL 33012-5216

For Packages or Large Envelopes:
Teacher Courtney Ochs, 5B
Lincoln School 565-20
7979 N.W. 21st St.
Doral, FL 33122-1616

So there you go.  This way is actually cheaper to send and receive because it goes through Florida.  Otherwise, it would cost a lot to ship things here and probably wouldn't end up making it to my house anyway :) 


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hola Amigos!  Como fue su dia?  Espero que bien!  

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for all of the well wishes!  Being stuck at home that first week was rough, and I couldn't have made it without all the encouragement!  My foot is getting stronger each day and I should be off crutches in about 3 weeks if everything goes smoothly.  I am looking forward to being able to carry my own dishes into the kitchen and to actually stand in front of my class.  Although, I'm starting to think that the crutches are actually helping my kids stay quiet.  Last week, Daniel asked me why I keep my crutches right next to me, and I said it was so I could whack him every time I catch him speaking in Spanish!  You can't joke like that in the States, but here they think it's hilarious.  Physical touch makes a lot of people feel awkward and uncomfortable, but not here.  The students will perceive you as cold or mean if you don't hug them multiple times a day.  I've even seen a Prepa teacher thump her student on the head for sticking his tongue out.  You would for sure get sued for that in CA.  

Today was another good day with my kiddos.  I talked in a previous blog about how many resources Lincoln has and I have had a blast figuring them all out.  The students get an hour in the science lab each week, which is one of my favorite periods.  Instead of just having science in the classroom, we mix it up by going to the lab to do experiments and activities.  Yesterday, we did a bunch of things on gravity.  First, I had them predict if they thought heavy objects fall faster to the ground that lighter objects.  Then they got to test out their hypotheses.  

Next, we talked about center of gravity and how we can affect our own center of gravity.  I had them flat against the wall and told them to bend over and pick up their papers.  Do you think they could do it without falling?

Nope, they fell. But no one broke a foot, so we're good.  

Today, I taught a social studies lesson using the ELMO lab which a portable cart with laptops for the kids to use.  They all love using the computers.  We are also using the SmartBoard tomorrow, which is so cool.  It's looks like a dry erase board, but it is totally electronic.  There are these special pens that write like a laser pointer.  There is even an electronic eraser that you rub on the board to erase things just like on a regular white board.  I am definitely taking advantage of the cool electronic stuff now because I don't think I'll be seeing most of this stuff again in the US.  We can't even afford pencils, much less an electronic white board.  

This past weekend, Sage and I got to hang out with our host parents and their extended family for a little birthday bash.  It was Mama Tica's birthday on Friday, so we all went over to her daughter Karin's house for a BBQ.  Karin and her husband Alfonso have an adorable house in San Pedro, which is about 20 minutes away from where we live.  I had such a fun time!  It reminded me of having get-togethers with my family for every possible event.  We had grilled corn (like the kind from the OC fair..yum!), tfresh tortillas, carne asada, potatoes, chips, guacamole, and of course cake and ice cream.  For those of you who have been asking for pictures of my host family, here's one of everyone:    

Erick and his wife (and Carlita), Karin (and baby Natalia) and Alfonso, Erik's two stepsons, Luis (papa tico), Abuelita, and Ana (mama tica)

So there you go...  That's pretty much it for now.  Tomorrow is a half day and a "jeans day", where students don't have to wear their uniforms, so it should be an insane day!  A group of us are going out to see a movie after school at this theater where you can order food and drinks right from your seat!!  There's nothing like a glass of wine and a box of hot tamales to go with a good movie!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Happy Wednesday!  Man, am I glad that it's almost the weekend.  Today is day 10 of post-surgery recovery and I am exhausted.  I started back at school on Monday, and I am glad to finally get into a routine.  My kids were especially good today which was amazing.  Spending the day trying to get 22 eleven year olds to stop talking and pay attention is hard work, so when they have a good day, I make sure and tell them a million times how much I love it.  I was prepared for a crazy day today because of the rain.  It's not supposed to be raining this time of year, but it was rainy and windy all day long.  The kids tend to go crazy when they are stuck in the classroom all day.  

On a side note, how do parents always know when it is going to be a rainy day?  I pose this question because in every single class I have been in either as a student or as a teacher, there is always that one kid that absolutely has to bring tuna on rainy days.  Why, why why????  I like tuna, but I don't like having to smell it in the room ALL DAY LONG!!!  C'mon parents, take a look outside before you pack your kid's lunch and then decide if tuna is the best idea.  

I really do like it when it rains.  There is something soothing about it for me.  However, being on crutches in the rain is not as fun.  Lincoln has tile floors that they insist on polishing obsessively as if there are floor police out there waiting to write them up for having a dull floor.  Thus my little setback today.  As I was walking in to school this morning, my crutches slipped from underneath me and I went crashing down onto the very shiny tile floor.  Up until today, my foot was doing so much better.  All of the pain was gone and I could move it up and down and all around.  After my little tumble today, I think I'm back at square one.  Oh least I have met some wonderfully sweet girls on this trip who have helped me so much!  I definitely would not be able to be back at school if it weren't for them!!

Now it's time for some pictures.  Since I was stuck at home all of last week and the weekend, I haven't taken any new pictures.  But, there were some people and things that I missed dearly last week:     

There are a million more that I could have posted, but you get the idea...

Love and miss you all!!
