Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Happy Wednesday!  Man, am I glad that it's almost the weekend.  Today is day 10 of post-surgery recovery and I am exhausted.  I started back at school on Monday, and I am glad to finally get into a routine.  My kids were especially good today which was amazing.  Spending the day trying to get 22 eleven year olds to stop talking and pay attention is hard work, so when they have a good day, I make sure and tell them a million times how much I love it.  I was prepared for a crazy day today because of the rain.  It's not supposed to be raining this time of year, but it was rainy and windy all day long.  The kids tend to go crazy when they are stuck in the classroom all day.  

On a side note, how do parents always know when it is going to be a rainy day?  I pose this question because in every single class I have been in either as a student or as a teacher, there is always that one kid that absolutely has to bring tuna on rainy days.  Why, why why????  I like tuna, but I don't like having to smell it in the room ALL DAY LONG!!!  C'mon parents, take a look outside before you pack your kid's lunch and then decide if tuna is the best idea.  

I really do like it when it rains.  There is something soothing about it for me.  However, being on crutches in the rain is not as fun.  Lincoln has tile floors that they insist on polishing obsessively as if there are floor police out there waiting to write them up for having a dull floor.  Thus my little setback today.  As I was walking in to school this morning, my crutches slipped from underneath me and I went crashing down onto the very shiny tile floor.  Up until today, my foot was doing so much better.  All of the pain was gone and I could move it up and down and all around.  After my little tumble today, I think I'm back at square one.  Oh least I have met some wonderfully sweet girls on this trip who have helped me so much!  I definitely would not be able to be back at school if it weren't for them!!

Now it's time for some pictures.  Since I was stuck at home all of last week and the weekend, I haven't taken any new pictures.  But, there were some people and things that I missed dearly last week:     

There are a million more that I could have posted, but you get the idea...

Love and miss you all!!



Anonymous said...

yeah!! i miss you in your little cave in VK. sosi and i talked about teacher things tonight. i'm glad your teaching is going well so far. thanks for the photo shout out.
loooveeee you :)

Unknown said...

Hey sweetie,
Sounds like you are having a ball. Be careful on those shinny floors, they sound like they are the dredded killer floors. We had your Mom out for superbowl last weekend it was great. We miss you, but have a ball.
Love Aunt Cindy