Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hot water, hold the electrocution!

Water heaters do not exist here like they do in the states.  There's really no such thing as a free-standing water heater that lives in your garage and makes funny noises or that Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters like to blow up.  Instead, they have these electronic shower heads that heat the water as it comes out of the pipe.  While this method is cheaper and is a lot easier to fix if something goes bad, it is a little nerve-wracking to get in the shower every day and see this...

Now, you tell me if there's something wrong with showering with exposed wires above your head.  Don't get me wrong, I love that we get to take warm showers, but common sense tells me that this could end badly!  

I've decided that this country does not like my name.  This is the first time in my life that my first name has caused more difficulty than my last name.  I've gotten every pronunciation of "ochs" that you can imagine.  Naturally, I expected the same issues here.  However, no one here seems to be able to pronounce "courtney" without making it sound ridiculous.  For example, one of my students wrote me a Valentine's day card that said "Happy Valentines Day teacher Corny".  That's right, I'm teacher Corny.  When I was in the hospital, people started calling me Ann.  I was talking with a nurse and said, you know my name is Courtney, right?  Ann is my middle name.  She said, yes we know, but your name is too hard for use to say, so we decided to change it...!?!?!  What??  They can do that?  Apparently, because I started getting papers like this...
I hope this is not going to be a problem for my insurance! 

Other fun things:
I went wine tasting this week...yeah, in the Hipermas, which is basically like a super WalMart.  You know how half the reason you like going to Costco is for the free samples??  Don't lie, you know you do...  Well Hipermas has all kinds of samples just like Costco.  After we had gone up and down every junk food aisle and piled Doritos and Pringles in our cart, we passed the alcohol aisles, where they also had samples!  We sampled red wine, triple sec, bailey's, and something that was so sweet, I almost cried.  I thought this was so strange!  You would never see something like this at Costco.  

Another thing about Costa Rican grocery stores...they basically have all the typical imported American food that we have.  You can get rainbow chip frosting and goldfish (don't hate it until you've tried it!!), Doritos, Pringles, Cheerios, and a million other things.  There's a trick though.  Some companies make "fake" brand name food.  For example, if you are picking out a flavor or Doritos, there are two bags that look exactly the same, but one has this stamp on it:

This is the real deal.  That "exported" stamp means these Doritos are legit.  Sage bought some Oreos the other day that were weird and tasted different.  Now we know to look for the special stamp!

Did I mention that I ate this entire bag in one day?  No?  Oh, well...anyway...

We finally ventured out to a new restaurant this weekend.  We pass by this Pizza place everyday on the bus, so we decided to give it a try.  It was soooo delicious.  We each spent $12 and got soda, fried mozzarella cheese balls, and two big pizzas.  Can't beat that, right? 

Pizza A La Lena

Overall, I had a nice relaxing weekend.  It's amazing how fast the time is going by.  It's been 5 weeks already!!  It seems like just yesterday that I on my way to the airport to come here.  Some of you have been asking about an address to send letters and things.  Since there aren't really addresses here like in the states, we have been told to use the school's system. 

For letters and cards only:
Teacher Courtney Ochs, 5B
Lincoln School 565-20
1601 N.W. 97th Ave.
P.O. Box 025216
Miami, FL 33012-5216

For Packages or Large Envelopes:
Teacher Courtney Ochs, 5B
Lincoln School 565-20
7979 N.W. 21st St.
Doral, FL 33122-1616

So there you go.  This way is actually cheaper to send and receive because it goes through Florida.  Otherwise, it would cost a lot to ship things here and probably wouldn't end up making it to my house anyway :) 
